Orchestrate Testing with the TestRail Jira Integration

Integrate TestRail with Jira to increase visibility between QA and Development and ensure that everything that should be tested, gets tested, every time
TestRail integration with Jira
"My recent conversation with an auditor started with him selecting a Jira story ticket and asking me to walk him through our testing process, presenting evidence along the way. From the ticket, I clicked the test case link which opened TestRail. I was then able to show the evidence required. The evidence proved that no new code goes out to production without being subjected to testing in multiple environments and on multiple browser types. The auditor was very happy."

Keli Jordan

Director of Quality Assurance

Convercent - Customer Case Study Card
Test case repository

Get Full Control Of Your Test Management

As a purpose-built test management tool, TestRail makes it easier for your team to speed up test cycles, reduce risk, and release faster, while giving your team a single source of truth for QA.

Organize reusable test cases in a centralized folder-based repository. Create custom test case templates and fields to design more productive workflows. Centralization makes it easy to track your testing as a whole no matter what kind of testing you do — including automated tests and results.

That means you can get complete control over your team’s QA workflows without flooding your Jira instance with custom issue types or fields or slowing Jira down for the rest of your users.

Expand Your User Story Coverage

Expand coverage by linking requirements. Reduce defect leakage, find gaps in requirements, and ensure your test cases are actually covering your application’s features and functionality.

With TestRail’s Jira integration, you can link test cases to user stories, epics, or any other kind of Jira issue to make it clear exactly which requirement is being tested. And if multiple test cases cover the same user story, you can link all of them at once time simply by bulk editing test cases in TestRail.

Create new test cases and view linked tests from Jira issues to understand coverage in a glance. Or, generate a test coverage report for all of the user stories in a given sprint, epic, or release with the click of a button.
Milestone tab in Jira epic screenshot
Test Coverage in TestRail

Build End-to-End Traceability

Keep track of and record the history of your testing. Link requirements to test cases, test results, and defects to trace where work originates right through to delivery.

Report on linked test artifacts from all types of testing, including results from test automation, with one click to manage the scope of your testing, reduce bugs, and minimize risk.

Leverage the TestRail Jira integration to meet compliance requirements and understand the riskiness of release in real-time.

Join over 10,000 QA teams using TestRail to release flawless products, faster

Jira App

The TestRail Jira App gives your team visibility into TestRail test data and metrics from within Jira. Gain test visibility in Jira on issues, bugs, and requirements that were linked with test artifacts using TestRail’s integration for Jira.

Report Bugs and Link Defects

Link test results to defects or push bug reports directly to Jira as they are discovered without ever having to leave TestRail. When your team pushes bug reports they create a new issue in Jira that automatically links the bug to TestRail. The new issue will automatically populate with details and comments made in TestRail during testing.

Custom User Management

Customize TestRail’s access control for your needs regardless of user roles in Jira. TestRail’s roles and assignments system allow you to customize and extend permissions of individual users and groups globally and on more granular levels.

Integrate with Jira Cloud, Server, and Data Center

Easily integrate with any Jira edition and version. Link test cases to issues and bug reports to test results within TestRail to automatically create traceability.
TestRail - Modern Integrations
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Unlock Full Visibility into QA

Leverage TestRail's built-in integrations and extensive API to create your ideal testing tool stack

Quality engineered for Enterprise

Compatible with security and compliance regulations but flexible enough to integrate with any workflow or tech stack. Customizable to fit any sized organization at any scale. TestRail is the only choice for enterprises looking to seriously elevate software testing.

Get total
control over
your testing

“TestRail is a great all-in-one tool for managing test repositories, creating test plans, tracking test execution progress, monitoring automation coverage, and generating insightful reports.”

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Amrathraj Nayak

Engineer Manager - QA

Get total
control over
your testing

“When it comes down to preparing our test suites and test cases, we save 20% of our time using TestRail because we can create test cases and test suites faster with intuitive UI/UX.”

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testimonial solitea logo

Jiří Malý

Senior Software Tester

Get total
control over
your testing

“TestRail improves our collaboration, efficacy, and application quality, which in turn provides the best customer experience.”

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testimonial convercent logo

Kelli Jordan

Director of QA

Get total
control over
your testing

“TestRail enables us to deliver consistent product quality and communicate the state of testing in simple terms to management and executives.”

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testimonial 3dsystems logo

Moira Tuffs

Software QA Manager

SoftwareTesting Leader Leader
TestManagement Leader Enterprise Leader
SoftwareTesting Leader Mid Market Leader
SoftwareTesting Leader Leader 3
SoftwareTesting Leader Enterprise Leader 4
TestManagement MostImplementable Enterprise Total
TestManagement FastestImplementation Enterprise GoLiveTime
TestManagement HighPerformer Enterprise HighPerformer 1

Integrate Jira with TestRail.
Release with confidence.

Beyond the product

The QA Lead's Guide to Agile Testing

The QA Lead's Guide to Agile Testing

Many QA teams are already utilizing Agile or an Agile-like scrum methodology, yet still struggle to find the balance between the fast-paced Agile development cycle and delivering quality software their customers can count on.

This guide provides actionable and impactful agile testing takeaways that you can introduce now, as well as a "Crawl/Walk/Run" framework to help your team get onboarded and start seeing results.
2024 Annual Report Resource Assets 2024 Report Resource Center Blue

Software Testing & Quality Report: Third Edition

Hear from over 4,000 QA teams on their successes, challenges, processes, and the state of QA in 2024 and beyond!

We just published the third edition of the Software Testing & Quality Report, our most in-depth analysis of the state of QA yet—and what we found might surprise you.

In this report, we uncover surprising data about the adoption of test automation, top challenges and priorities, and the effective use of artificial intelligence in QA right now.
Software Testing in Regulated Industries

Testing in Regulated Industries

Does your QA team have to abide by compliance or regulatory standards such as ISO 9001, HIPAA, or SOX? This on-demand webinar is for you.

With years of experience in nuclear power and healthcare IT, TestRail Solution Architect Chris Faraglia will guide you through testing strategy and considerations for such regulated fields—as well as explore best practices for maintaining test quality of record and ways to accomplish continuous improvement of the testing process.